Pushchair Reviews: Bugaboo FOx 3


Fold/unfold: 4/5
Comfort: 5/5
Push: 5/5
Durability: 5/5
Cost: 4/5

Name and age of baby:

Freya, seven months old.

Where did you test the pushchair?

We tested the Bugaboo Fox 3 on a range of terrains in Warwickshire, from grass to gravel and everything in-between.

First Impressions:

Firstly I couldn’t believe everything was in just one box! All the parts for the chassis, carry cot and seat unit were neatly compact, so we unboxed all of the elements ready to begin building.

I would say that this pushchair took a little longer to assemble compared to others, especially as the carry cot and seat are essentially one unit and you convert it - which was a little fiddly. That said, I personally wouldn’t have the need to swap between the two functions regularly so it’s not a big problem and the upside to this is it saves on space (both the packaging and storing parts at home when you aren’t using them).

Bugaboo provides illustrative instructions for the pushchair assembly, however we found their video much easier to follow.

Once we were all set up, the Fox 3 looked great and felt high quality. The chassis is sleek and the overall appearance is stylish. Freya and I were excited to get out and put this premium product to test!

How easy is it to push and use?

Quite soon after we started using the Bugaboo Fox 3 I realised the price tag is absolutely worth it! It is so light and easy to push; Bugaboo describe it as “The ultimate comfort pushchair for any terrain” and I am inclined to agree.

Whilst the weight of the Fox 3 is 9.9kg, you wouldn’t know it when you’re pushing it as it glides around. The suspension absorbs any impact and we manoeuvred with complete ease on different terrains as well as up and down hills and steps.

All of the functional touch points on the Fox 3 are white (buttons, brake, etc.). This adds to the ease of use, especially in the early days when you’re getting used to your new pushchair.

What is the seat unit like?

The seat is ergonomically padded and Freya seemed to sit really well in it whilst still having plenty of growing room and the backrest is nice and high too.

You of course have the choice of parent or world facing and swapping between the two is straight forward. We predominantly used it in parent facing mode as our daughter is still so little. The recline on the seat unit is fantastic with a handful of different angles available. Freya slept in the pushchair at times and even in an upright position - so she definitely found it comfortable.

There is also a good (removable) bumper bar which goes across the front of the seat and I liked the position of it – it seems to sit quite high but this works for us.

We would say Freya is largely passed the point of using the carry cot as she enjoys sitting up and being able to look around on our walks, but she still falls within the weight limit for it so we put this to the test too. The carry cot is spacious and the mattress feels lovely and soft – it is aerated too, which Bugaboo note this helps to regulate your little ones temperature. One of the new elements on this model of the Fox are the breathable mesh panels at the top end of the carry cot which are great for warm days and airflow.

How easy is it to fold and carry?

There are two options for folding the Fox 3, with or without the seat unit intact – so you can choose what suits your storage space the best. Once we understood how to do it, it really is straight forward to do. Carrying the chassis whilst folded was particularly easy when the seat unit had been removed.

How compact is it when folded?

For such a good sized pushchair I was impressed with the folded size. I was able to fit the pushchair folded into the boot of our Nissan Qashqai, this was both with and without the seat unit still attached to the chassis.

Is the handle height-adjustable?

The handle height adjusts significantly, offering a broad range to suit every height. The lowest setting measures 88cm, it goes all the way up to 108cm and we found it was comfortable for us approximately in the middle.

What is the harness like?

The 5-point harness is really easy to use; you secure each strap one at a time which prevents trying to bring multiple pieces together before locking them into place.

The straps are lovely and padded; Freya seemed really comfortable, especially when she would fall asleep leaning into one of the straps. We had them on the lowest height setting, however these are so easy to adjust as you simply slide them up the back of the seat unit to increase the height – a really refreshing change to the norm of rethreading straps.

What is the hood like? Is it extendable?

The hood on the Fox 3 is a really generous size and offers good coverage. It has an extendable section which provides even more coverage – we found this great for sleeping on the go.

The hood has a peekaboo mesh window at the back so you can easily take a look at your little one whilst on the go. When you have the pushchair in world-facing mode this is particularly useful, but we also used it in parent facing mode when the hood was fully extended as it provided additional airflow.

What did you think of the wheels? Are they swivel?

Boasting 4-wheel suspension, we found the ride to be really quite smooth and generally bump-free, regardless of the terrain. All of the wheels are a good size and puncture proof, with the front two wheels having a swivel function.

There is an additional and quite unique 2-wheel mode for more extreme weather such as snow, or even if you lived on a coast it would be great in the sand too.

Is the basket easy to reach and does it have enough storage space?

The basket will take up to 10kg in weight and I liked the pocket that forms part of the basket. It is really easy to reach and is a good size to put bits of shopping in, or even your changing bag.

How easy are the brakes to use?

The brake is a really simple single lever next to one of the rear wheels. For us personally, it took a couple of outings to get used to the push down function applying to both putting brakes on and off. We ended up really like it though and it’s definitely pedicure friendly!

What we love:

We love how easy it is to push, it really is a joy. It takes very little effort to move up and down steps or kerbs and so I have no doubt that this would be good for his oh public transport too. Everything about this pushchair feels good and you just know that your little one is cocooned in a comfortable and safe space.

What could be improved:

If you were using the pushchair for two children of differing ages and had to swap between the carry cot and seat unit most days, then this would be very time consuming. So whilst the dual-functioning unit has its perks, it perhaps isn’t for everyone.

Would you recommend it to a friend and is it worth the money?

We would highly recommend the Bugaboo Fox 3. Whilst it does fall into the higher end of the pushchair price bracket, we really believe the quality, comfort and design make it worthwhile. These are all things Bugaboo are known for and it didn’t disappoint. We have no doubt that the pushchair will stand the test of time too, as a system it is suitable from birth up to 22kg (approximately four years old).

RRP: £1,115 (Core Collection) or £1,215 (Premium Collection)

Overral LBP Rating: 4.5/5


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